How to Grow Your Life and Business with Your Human Design Chart

Who were you before the world told you who you should be? 

Every day we’re influenced by energies both seen and unseen, and like our river, we bend and twist. Sometimes, we’re willing participants in this process. Other times, it happens without us even knowing until one day, we look in the proverbial mirror of life, and we hardly recognize ourselves. Is this you? 

I want to invite you to an undoing of sorts. A way of coming home to your True and Highest Self - Welcome to the world of Human Design and your Human Design Chart!

If you haven’t yet looked up your human design chart, you can do so for free here or here

A simple way to describe Human Design is as a personality test. Just like Myers Briggs or StrengthsFinder, Human Design helps us understand who we are. There’s just one exception and one major difference between traditional personality tests and Human Design.

A Human Design Chart shows us who were before the world told us who we should be. It is based on when we were born and represents our energetic and intuitive blueprint. Traditional personality tests show us who we have been conditioned to be. For example, you may have a StrengthsFinder strength of achiever… but is that just who you’ve had to be to be “successful” in society’s eye? 

In less simple terms, Human Design is a complex system comprised of the chakra system, astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, quantum mechanics, astronomy, genetics, AND biochemistry. While all of these facets make for a powerful tool, one of the most important parts of your Human Design Chart is how our intuition interacts with the information we learn. 

There are many rabbit holes to go down with Human Design, so let’s start with the basics from your Human Design Chart: your type/strategy, authority, and profile. 

Your type tells you about your energy. If you are a Generator, Manifesting Generator, or Manifestor, you are an “energy type”. You are able to consistently generator your own energy from within. This doesn’t mean you never get physically tired. Human Design speaks to your overall life force energy. Think of these types as an Energizer Bunny… they just keep going, and going, and going! If you are a Projector or Reflector, you are a “non-energy type”.  This doesn’t mean you have no physical energy. It means you do not have a consistent way of generating your energy from within. These types require a lot of rest, interaction with other types, and their passions in order to generate their life force energy. 

Each type has a specific strategy attached to it. The strategy tells you HOW to go about living your unique type. 

  • Generator: to respond

  • Manifesting Generator: to respond and inform

  • Manifestor: to inform

  • Projector: to wait for energetic and direct invitations

  • Reflector: to rely on the cycle of the moon

Your authority which could also be called your intuition, tells you how you make decisions. There are 7 different kinds of authority within your Human Design chart. While there are many ways our intuition speaks to us, in Human Design, your authority is the way your intuition speaks the loudest. 

Last, your profile. When you look up your Human Design Chart, you will see two numbers (for example, 5/1 or 3 / 5). Your profile can be thought of as the costume you wear while living authentically in your Human Design. The first number represents the outward/conscious part of you, and the second number represents the more inner/possible unconscious side of you. Here is a brief breakdown of each number: 

  • 1: You like to research, and go down rabbit holes, and self-reflection is important to you

  • 2: Your ideal life is one of a hermit, you like to create your own reality, and you have a great imagination

  • 3: You are here to try new things, make mistakes and do things differently than others

  • 4: This is known as the “human resources” of Human Design; you have a gift for networking and require that the energy you put into something must be equal to the energy you get back

  • 5: You are a messenger and teacher, very practical in nature, and you enjoy sharing what you’ve learned

  • 6: You are here to live life in distinct chapters (ages 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, etc). 

By combining these numbers together, you can get the essence of your profile. 

They say it takes seven years to fully embody your Human Design. So if you’re at all overwhelmed, that’s normal! Start by focusing on one of the basic areas, learn as you go, and most importantly, have fun with it!


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